Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Flying Colors Meets Imaginary Jesus!

I just got a note from my old boss, Joe Field of Flying Colors Comics.  Joe has an amazing shop... in fact, when I was last in there (in the East Bay... Walnut Creek, California) I told Joe that I wished I had my daughters with me so they could see a "real" comic book shop.

In his note, Joe mentioned that he is stocking Imaginary Jesus at Flying Colors!  If there was any doubt that it was the coolest comic shop of all time, I think those doubts can now be laid to rest.  And, not only is this shop responsible for the genesis of the Hate Club, it's also the original habitat of the now MIA Frog of Hate.

Here's the note that Joe sent out to his e-mail list:

Now in Stock at Flying Colors is a very cool book called IMAGINARY JESUS.

It's the first novel written by MATT MIKALATOS... and it is Highly Recommended!

Matt was on staff here at Flying Colors in the '90s, along with he crew that included Sam, Alan, Roland, Gavin and Adrian. Since his time here, Matt has graduated from UC Riverside, been a high school teacher, a missionary in China and also graduated from Western Seminary.

So, yes, this is a book with a lot of Christian spiritual thought in it. It is also one of the better comedies you'll read in any genre. Starting in a laid-back Portland coffee shop, Matt encounters a dude who could be Jesus, a talking donkey and a wild man named Pete... who could just be an apostle.

IMAGINARY JESUS follows the trek of Matt, Pete and the donkey as they chase after the one they think is the real Jesus.

The quest even takes Matt and his cohorts back to FLYING COLORS.

That's right, part of the novel is set right here in my favorite comic shop (and hopefully yours, too).

All through this novel are reminders that Matt is really a comics geek disguised as a Christian thinker.

There's comedy gold in reading IMAGINARY JESUS...and it may just help you on your personal quest to find the Real One while you're at it.

This is a book that can be enjoyed by believers and non-believers alike, as it veers far away from preachiness and sticks to the goal at hand--- delivering Matt from all the misconceptions he's carried about who Jesus is---and by extension, how Jesus is misunderstood in this world.

Congrats on the book, Matt!
And, in another wide shot of the book, we can see that Imaginary Jesus has its coolest placement yet... it's sharing a shelf with a book by Gene Colan!

If you're in Northern California, be sure to stop by Flying Colors to buy your copy of Imaginary Jesus! And tell Joe that Mikalatos sent you!


  1. Wow, I comic book store that stocks a book about Jesus Christ. This has got to be the coolest comic book store ever! Someday, I shall pay my respects! :)

    "Up in the sky, it's a bird, it's a plan, it's...!"

  2. So, when is somebody going to turn "Imaginary Jesus" into a graphic novel? There's all sorts of reasons that I think the story lends itself to a visual presentation... The fight scenes would be perfect, and a full-page spread of the society of Imaginary Jesuses... even a cover, done all dramatic faux super hero team style... it'd be perfect.

  3. I totally agree with the graphic novel idea! The story fits the format perfectly. And I'd like to also add an animated feature too! Anyone from Disney, Pixar, or Dreamworks listening? Let us all pray for Matt! :D
