Thursday, June 3, 2010

Red and Black -- ATTACK!

Two chapters of Imaginary Jesus take place in the very real Portland restaurant, the Red and Black Cafe.  It's an "ethical, non-hierarchal" business, meaning that all the workers are also co-owners, and they cook vegan food.  My best friend, Chris, introduced me to the place, and I found it so charming, interesting, odd and fun that I immediately glommed onto it for the first site in my novel.

Recently, I was interviewed for an article in the Oregonian newspaper, and the reporter, Cornelia Seigneur read Imaginary Jesus and then took her vegan daughter to the Red and Black.  While there, they saw a police officer be asked to leave after buying his coffee.  She wrote a blog post about it, and now it's in the news.  I hear rumors it may be in the news again tonight.  Go figure.

The way I see it, this is part of the job of a book like Imaginary Jesus... it's pulling in two very different audiences, causing people to interact who wouldn't have otherwise, and creating some interesting and I hope beneficial conversations.


  1. Hey, see what your book is doing! The story made it on CNN as well - cannot wait for Sunday's O! story on you. . .

    I wrote a follow up blog about it all as well-

  2. Well Matt it would be nice if two very different audiences could come together at the Red and Black but from the sounds of Cornelia's blog the Red and Black most definitely does not one one group to be a part of it's establishment. Of course I'm sure there are businesses here in Eugene that would do the same thing and that is what I find truly sad.

  3. Dear Matt, in light of this unfortunate situation which I have dubbed "the big carnival", thank you for demonstrating such protocol and grace with words. Yes, let us hope something positive will come of this. I am honored to be your fan! :)
