Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Fear the Frog of Hate!

Imaginary Friend Matt Turkington sent me this terrifying story about the Frog of Hate that I wanted to share with everyone:

When I got to work yesterday there was the attached frog sitting on my desk. My first thought was, "Oh no! What did I do to upset Mikalatos so much? Is it because I still haven't bought a copy of his book (even though I check bookstores for it)? Or because I didn't write a glowing online review?" This was immediately followed by the more rational, "Wait, HOW would he have gotten in my office?" or maybe, more importantly, "does he really care?" But then I saw the nearby note that said something about relying on God and I realized you had nothing to do with it. Oh well. Just thought I'd share that.

I wrote Matt back to make sure he knew that I care enough to send Hate to him if he deserves it.  He told me that he is now living in irrational fear of frogs.  Which begs the question... is it irrational if it is something that should be feared?  For instance, is a phobia of sharks really a phobia or just good common sense?  I vote for common sense.

1 comment:

  1. OMG! Same exact thing happened to me. I went into my office and a big gummy frog was attached to my monitor. This was put there after I confided in a co-worker in my fear. It is running my life. I just receintly moved to the country and every day they surround my doors. I am either stuck outside or inside. I don't know what I am gonna do. It is getting VERY old to my husband :(
